Privacy Breach Discovered at ShishkInn Lake Resort: Peek Holes in Bathroom Roofs Raise Alarms

Reported on July 8, 2024. A family staying at ShishkInn Lake Resort at Attabad Lake in Hunza Valley, Gilgit Baltistan, reported a serious privacy breach involving peepholes in the bathroom that could be used for malicious purposes.

A Twitter user with the handle @ayeshabashyy_ tweeted on July 8, 2024, that while she was taking a walk, she saw some flashing light emanating from the roof. When she looked through it, to her horror, she saw a girl in the bathroom. Screenshots of her tweets are below.

The woman, along with her husband, then recorded a series of videos where they picked up a number of stone blocks. Beneath each stone block, there was a large hole through which the toilet area could be seen. Watch her videos here

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The incident went viral after her tweet was retweeted 759 times, attracting the attention of the authorities. The same twitter user later reported that the resort had been sealed. Only six rooms seemed to be affected by this breach, while no such privacy issues were found in other rooms. The resort has rooms scattered throughout the property.

One could argue that these holes in the roof were for ventilation purpose, but that does not make sense. The practice of having direct hole in the roof above the toilet area is extremely uncommon and unheard of. Furthermore, someone with malicious intentions could easily remove it and peek through it, as the holes were not covered with any chimney. Also the roof was easily easily accessible. The exact purpose of these holes is unknown.

The same Twitter account also tweeted about the tourist firm name, Turista Adventures, which arranged their tour for them and suggested this particular resort. According to her, they are not taking any responsibility.

Meanwhile, other users took to Google Maps and posted bad reviews of the resort to alert others to stay away from this resort.

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